diet and feeding your pet raw food
barf diet sounds absurd and ugly, but it is actually
an acronym for Biologically Appropriate Raw Food
or Bones And Raw Food. Now you question,
how can this be good for my dog? Answer: to supporters
of the barf diet it IS all that its cracked up
to be-- and then some.
barf diet supports feeding your dog raw
food to keep your canines health tip top,
while reducing your veterinarian bills.
barf diet for dogs is based on feeding your pet whole
raw foods and contains no grain products which are considered
biologically inappropriate.
barf focuses on the best proteins for your pooch with:
lamb, beef and chicken. AND, since these proteins are
whole and raw, they are rich in vitamins and enzymes
that are often lost in processed and cooked dog food.
barf diet also includes raw bones, considered a storehouse
of all the minerals your pet requires in perfect balance
for optimal absorption.
more information or for purchasing raw dog food for
the Barf diet we recommend Sitstay. They sell Natures
Variety dog food and raw dog bones. In addition, they
sell very good books on the best dog food diets including:
The Barf Diet by Dr. Ian Billinghurt.
of interest:
more information on related products and services please
choose from menu below or visit our natural
dog food page.