dog toys will keep your pet entertained!
all the different kinds of dog toys being made today,
talking dog toys, are certainly at the top! While safety
can be a concern, many dogs play just fine with talking
dog toys and don't require supervision when playing.
dogs that are more aggressive in play and chew the safety
of talking dog toys is of concern. It can happen that
the plastic voice box within the toy can get caught
in your pet's throat causing him to choke. While this
is not an issue if you and your pet are engaged in play
together, it could be dangerous if he is left unsupervised.
A few manufacturers are now making removable voice boxes
for these talking dog toys - great solution for the
aggressive chewers out there!
are so many excellent talking dog toys available. "Multipet"
makes a great selection for you to choose from. There
are talking animals, people, food items, you name it.
Your dog's going to love it!
more information on related products and services please
choose from the following menu or visit our 'dog
toys' page